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Shirlette Ammons the Poet

Shirlette Ammons is no ordinary musician - she alerts her listeners to the fact that she's not really definable as an artist. I describe her musical performances much of the time as "spoken word" but every so often I call it "rap". By rap I mean more what the word likely meant originally - as a conversation, typically between people who know each other.

There's strong evidence for Shirlette to be known as a "spoken word" artist, though, as she is a published poet. You can see some of where she's been published on her website. She also has a dedicated book of her own poetry called Matching Skin, I bought Matching Skin last week (link here) because I think she's an intriguing artist who is clearly in love with the spoken word and wants to see it expressed however and wherever it can be.

Writing poetry and music are just two of Shirlette's talents, she has also produced TV shows and the production work on her YouTube videos is top notch. In "Earth Intro" (featuring the Indigo Girls) images of Shirlette switch from her performing in front of a projection on a screen to the projections becoming the full screen video. Nice effect and great artistic eye & just another reason to be excited for Shirlette's performance at Carolina Indie Fest on Saturday Sept 30th at 4:15pm.

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