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  • tim82157

New Interviews Now Available on The Rant

It's now a tradition and one of my favorite parts of Carolina Indie Fest - The Rant interviews the artists. One of the reasons why these interviews are so good is because the interviewer has played in multiple bands and has played at Indie Fest ... twice! Gordon is also a great fit for these interviews because he, like Indie Fest itself, gets just as excited and interested by punk as he does about country, or Celtic rock, or synth pop.

But enough about that guy, the real stars here are Katie Basden and Newspaper Taxis. Lots to take in here - Katie is originally from Durham and we get to see her at an interesting time in her development as a singer, she is exploring some new directions for her sound and we will get to hear some of those in May. Newspaper Taxis are almost a hometown band coming from Raleigh and playing in a lot of the Raleigh area music venues you have likely already visited.

Fun stuff - I'm going to start posting links to these interviews in the bands tab next to the artists for a one stop shop for learning all you can about who is playing at Indie Fest in May!

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